What is the right nutrition plan for me? How to choose it and what should I take into account?

2 min read
What is the right nutrition plan for me? How to choose it and what should I take into account?

Choosing an appropriate eating plan is not something to be done lightly. There are some important factors when making this decision that should be kept in mind so as not to put our health at risk.

Currently, many people decide to start a diet basically because they want to lose weight as one of the main causes. However, many times, those interested do not know how to choose correctly due to lack of information, so they opt for miraculous, doubtful diets that are difficult to continue throughout their lives or have a negative impact on their health.

A proper diet is essential to enjoy good physical and mental health. Here are some tips on how to choose the most convenient plan for each one.

What is the right nutrition plan for me

Basic principles to keep in mind:

  • My physical characteristics: Here it is important to adapt them to our age, height, sex or some specific conditions, such as allergies.
  • My objectives sought: Specify them, since they can be physical, health or simply ideological food objectives.

Am I looking to lose fat, maintain my current weight or increase muscle mass?

Do I want to improve my current whole blood values or do I want to learn to eat better to perform physically in my sport?

Do I want to learn to eat so that I can choose the foods I eat better and not harm the planet or I just don't like selected foods?

What is the right nutrition plan for me

So how do I choose my eating plan once the above is determined?

  • I analyze my nutritional and energy requirements according to the physical analysis and my physical activity.
  • I identify the diet that I would like to carry out according to the food groups they contain and their benefits.
  • I get the macronutrients I need and that the chosen plan contains.
  • I select the foods that I would like to consume and that are recommended and I choose how to distribute them daily.
  • I analyze what money I have to be able to carry out my chosen diet and if I can carry it out while I'm alive.

Ready! Now you can choose the eating plan that best suits you.

We recommend you read the post about the eating plans that you can get on our platform.